everything we do is a pain and not a passion
we spend more time posting seemingly happy pictures
workplace becomes an escape from home and relationships
conversations at home are about shopping lists and kids and never about ourselves
we don't look forward to waking up
frowns are flashed more than smiles
and laughter is a reluctant guest paying a fleeting visit
life runs like clockwork
there are no surprises
or anger or outburst- happy or sad
the very word "love" seems to have lost all meaning
and we start questioning whether "hope" exists
we are afraid of silence, because it is only then we question ourselves
We know it is time to pack that bag
from work
or relationships
or anything we are involved in
And say
It's time to quit.
Coz it's only when we quit, that we see new opportunities.
Or that second chance lurking just round the corner.