
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Doctor Who Cared

It sparked off in Shanghai.
A nagging health problem that flares up once in a while and makes life miserable.
More so, because it is something that allows life to go on.
 Live with the pain for a while.

That's where the catch was.
Why live with pain when there are meds?

I liberally dosed myself with some medicine I carried as SOS.
Requested a colleague to get me some similar medicine.
They came in Chinese packaging.
I assumed it was the right stuff, and well, dosed myself liberally again.

I flew back home and still felt the nagging issue.
So I went online to Practo and consulted a doctor.
Maybe I wasn't clear.
Maybe online isn't the way to go.
The meds I was prescribed seemed to have the reverse effect.

To undo the effect, I consulted another doctor.
This time in person.
Got more meds.
And then some more.

Meanwhile, the nag persisted.
With anger and vehemence.
Almost a rebellion against me for instilling the chemicals in.

I decided to go to a specialist.
She checked me up with her team.
Looked extremely grim and serious.
Scared me.
The verdict was a slew of tests.

But no respite for my nag, which was now a raging bull, playing havoc inside me.

Finally, last week, I remembered someone I had consulted three years ago.
Managed an appointment.
Sat in front of him.

He heard me out.
Made me feel human and not an excel sheet specimen.
Even made me laugh.
Did a quick procedure to help relieve.
Calmed me down all the time.

The recovery was quick.
The treatment effective.
In a week, I am back on my feet.
Back to life.

What made this doctor different?
His huge experience and knowledge notwithstanding.

It was empathy.
The ability to consider the person sitting across as a human being.
To listen.
Give the person a sense of comfort.
And confidence.

That, to me, is ultimate care.
One that can heal like no other.

Thank you doctor.
For letting me live life again.

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